Ransomware Targets The TTC – Is Anyone Really Safe?

Ransomware Targets The TTC – Is Anyone Really Safe?

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts the files of its victims. To regain access to the data, the attacker demands a ransom from the victim. We’ve mentioned it before and will say it again, what is your system disaster plan? Do you know what to do in the event...
Ransomware and Other Digital Tips

Ransomware and Other Digital Tips

Ransomware encrypts and locks all data on a workstation, system or network. Still unsure? For a simple overview please view this YouTube video (30 sec.): So what’s your best defense? Be aware of everything you receive electronically. Some of the biggest ransomware...
Protect Your Patient Medical Data

Protect Your Patient Medical Data

Cyber-criminals are always on the lookout for ways to monetize illegal activity. The unlawful use of customer and business information is one way; however, medical data offers a more lucrative opportunity. A breach in your system, allowing hackers to access your data,...
Protecting The Web We Weave

Protecting The Web We Weave

Recent reports of online, mobile and POS (Point-of-Sale) security breaches have started to erode our confidence in the reliability of the cloud. But have we focused too much on convenience?  Or should we simply revert to best practices, for computing security? Time...
Is Your Data Shell-Shocked?

Is Your Data Shell-Shocked?

Well it did not take long for the Internet, and the world, to be introduced to a new threat. On the heels of the Heartbleed bug comes a new vulnerability, which may turn out to be far worse. The vulnerability, discovered in September of 2014, has ramifications across...